Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections

"Regulations of the Holy Roman Empire" – Regulation concerning Usury – Mainz,

Opening: $3,000
Der Roemischen Keyserlichen Maiestat Ordnung und Reformation / guter Pollicey / zu° befürderung deß gemeynennutz / vff dem Reichßtag zu Augspurg / Anno Domini. Roman Empire regulations, confirmed by the Reichstag of Augsburg in 1548. Juonem Schöeffer printing press, Mainz 1548. German.
Regulations issued by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the “Reichstag” in Augsburg in 1548, with rules on a range of topics including dress codes for different population groups, money lending practices, trade regulations, etc.
One regulation against Jews in a chapter on usury: Extraordinary high interest rates constitute usury, especially when applied to poor, uneducated population groups who do not know how to calculate. High and unmanageable debts have led people into stealing and crime. Jews who charge extraordinary high interest rates are not allowed to settle, and even protected Jews must be investigated by the authorities. Lending against stolen goods is prohibited; stolen goods have to be returned to their owners.[1], 34 leaves, 29 cm. Good condition. Damages to binding. Ex Libris of Ernst Fischer. Ex library copy.
Jewish Communities
Jewish Communities