Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Manuscript – Prayers and Songs, Historical Poems – Cuneo Community, Italy, 1776

Opening: $500
Manuscript, prayers and Piyyutim, and special songs of Cuneo and its district, written by Menachem Refael Poah. Cuneo (Italy), 1775-1776. Contains minchah of Erev Rosh Chodesh; prayer for the chazan; Piyyutim for the High Holidays and for the Festivals (including a song for Simchat Torah by the Bach); a poem for "French festival"; poem for the "Spanish festival"; "poems for the Gemilut Chesed festival; poem for the Psalm Society; "Song for the 1755 fire", "Song for the Zerizim society (written by another writer); Seder Hoshana Raba; "Annulment of ban and receiving rebuke". Colophon in the middle of the manuscript: "I the writer Menachem Refael Puah son of R' Shmuel Yitzchak Puah here in Cuneo…Erev Rosh Chodesh Kislev" (November 1775). Another colophon on the last leaf: "I have written this, Menachem Refael Puah in honor of the prominent Rabbi Moshe Shimshon Lattes". · Enclosed: 4 page pamphlet with the poem of the salvation from the 1755 fire. [108] pages. 15.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, tears to several leaves. Contemporary leather binding, with damages.
Italian Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Printed Items
Italian Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Printed Items