Auction 12 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Early Manuscript – Section of Sha'ar HaKavanot

Opening: $300
A section of the manuscript, Sha'ar Hakavanot by Rabbi Chaim Vital, on the meanings of the Shabbat Eve and Zemirot - Mussaf of the Sabbath. [Early oriental script, seventeenth Century].
Sha'ar HaKavanot, first printed in Salonica in 1852 from manuscripts of his son, Rabbi Shmuel Vital, currently in the Bet-El Archives, Jerusalem. And reprinted in Jerusalem in 1873 referring to the glosses of Rabbi Meir Paparish and the Rashash.This is an ancient copy from 17th Century in style similar to the first printing with glosses of Rabbi Shmuel Vital.
34 pages, 23 cm. Poor condition, damage-worn and torn with deficiencies in the text. New binding.