Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Collection of Rabbis' Letters and Proclamations

Opening: $400
Sold for: $575
Including buyer's premium
Varied collection of Rabbis' letters, paper items and printed proclamations: The collection includes: Letter with halachic responsum by Rabbi Shlomo Natan Kotler to Rabbi Yosef Zecharya Stern. New York, [1890s]. · Letter of halachic responsum by Rabbi Jonathan Steif, Brooklyn NY, 1955. · Invitation to the wedding of Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov of Sadigura, with a lithograph of the signature of his father, Rebbe Mordechai Shalom Yosef. [Tel Aviv], 1953. · Proclamation by Tel Aviv rabbis about problems of kashrut of frozen meat. Adar, 1948. · More. For a complete list, please see Hebrew description. 15 items, including 8 letters. Size and condition vary, overall good to fair-poor condition.