Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Collection of Books – Stories by Chassidic Leaders

Opening: $500
Six books: Stories and hanhagot of Chassidic leaders and other tsaddikim. · Sipurei Tzaddikim, [Lemberg], 1864. · Hanahagot Yesharot, Chassidic leaders. Warsaw, 1885. Bound with: Sefer Ma'asiot. Warsaw, 1881. · Sipurim Nora'im. Mukacheve, 1894. · Ma'asiot U'Ma'amarim Yekarim. Zhitomir, 1902. · Sipurim Nechmadim. Zhitomir, [1903]. · Likutim Yekarim, homiletics and tales. [New York, ca. 1924]. Seven books in 6 volumes. Size and condition vary.
Chassidic Books
Chassidic Books