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Olam Part two – Glosses Handwritten by the "Steipler"

Sefer Chayei Olam, Part Two. To strengthen faith and religion, by the Ga'on Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky. Bnei Brak-Tel Aviv, 1966.
Copy with glosses handwritten by the holy Rabbi, the writer, the Holy Ga'on of Hoenostaypil (the "Steipler", author of "Kehilot Ya'akov"), who used to write his books with much endeavor during nights, writing and correcting and even after handing his novellae to the printing press he sometimes corrected the first printed sheets assuming that the text could be improved. (According to "Toldot Ya'akov", page 129). The leaves herewith present numerous corrections and additions. The "Steipler" deleted words by framing them [to avoid erasing Torah matters].
It should be noted that of tens of the writer's books, "Chayei Olam" overpassed all the other books as far as number of editions and copies printed. The "Steipler" attributed much significance to this book that deals with strengthening faith in this dark generation, and each word is closely considered so as to make the text as clear as possible for all readers. The comments and corrections in this manuscript demonstrate the extra care on the writer's part while glossing this book that deals with the basics of faith and religion. [For example on page 19 it says "this is a generation of disbelievers" and was corrected in handwriting to "most of this generation…"].
28 pages, 25cm. Good condition. New binding.