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Three Haggadot and a Reading Study Book for Passover for She'erit HaPleita in Germany and Austria

1. Passover Haggadah, Va'ad HaHatzala, Munich, 1947. "Gift from Va'ad HaHatzala to She'erit HaPleita". Torn and stained cover.
2-3. Passover Haggadah. Va'ad HaHatzala, Munich, 1948. "Gift from Va'ad HaHatzala to She'erit HaPleita". Two copies, one in fair condition, the other in good condition.
4. Passover [reading study book for school]. Issued by She'erit HaPleita Education Committee in Austria, 1948. Selected texts (vowelized), with illustrations. Fair-poor condition.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.