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Lot 250

Collection of Responsa Books

Ten books of responsa:
Terumat HaDeshen, responsa and Halachic rulings, Rabbi Yisrael Iserlen. Fürth, [1778]. (Signature of Rabbi Yona Itzchak Lefkowitz) * Ma’amar Mordechai Responsa, first section, Rabbi Mordechai Halberstadt. Brno, [1790]. (Missing: last leaf of index) * Ya’elet Chen Responsa, first section, Rabbi Aryeh Leib Tzintz. Prague, 1793. (First edition in author's lifetime) * Beit Shmuel Acharon, first section, responsa on Choshen Mishpat, Rabbi Shmuel Falkenfeld. Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, [1806] * Beit Shmuel Acharon, on 4 sections of the Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shmuel Falkenfeld. Piotrkow, 1914 * Shivat Zion Responsa, first section, Rabbi Shmuel Segal Landau. Prague, 1827. (First edition) * She’elot U’Tshuvot, Rabbi Ya’akov Weil. Kopys, 1834 * Tshuvot Maram Yaffeh, responsa, Even Ha’ezer section, Rabbi Alexander Sander Margaliot. Warsaw, 1859 * Zera Anashim, responsa by Torah giants. Mukacevo, [1902].
Total of 10 books. Various sizes and conditions (good to fair). Ownership signatures and notations.