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Four Books about Hebrew Manuscripts in Russia – Harkavy / Gurland

Four publications about Hebrew manuscripts in Russia, by Avraham Eliyahu Harkavy, an orientalist, historian and bibliographer, the director of the Eastern-Semitic department of the imperial library of Saint Petersburg; and by the writer and bibliographer Chaim Yonah Gurland.
1. Neuaufgefundene Hebräische Bibelhandschriften, Bericht an die Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg, von A. Harkavy. Saint Petersburg, 1884. Fair condition. Dry and brittle paper.
2-4. Neue Denkmaler der judischen Literatur in St. Petersburg.
• Booklet A, Lyck, 1865.
• Booklet C, Saint Petersburg, 1866. Includes VI, 38 pp. only (without the Cyrillic section).
• Booklet D, Saint Petersburg, 1867.
Size and condition vary. Bound in new leather bindings.